Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cell Phone Future! Real or not?


    Morph is a concept that demonstrates how future mobile devices might be stretchable and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mobile device into radically different shapes. It demonstrates the ultimate functionality that nanotechnology might be capable of delivering: flexible materials, transparent electronics and self-cleaning surfaces.The device, which is made using nanotechnology, is intended to demonstrate how cell phones in the future could be stretched and bent into different shapes, allowing users to “morph” their devices into whatever shape they want. Want to wear your cell phone as a bracelet?  No problem, just bend it around your wrist.


    Blackphone, according to the creators, is an Android-based gadget that can make video and voice calls, as well as send texts and files--all the while blocking out prying eyes through a custom operating system called PrivatOS. The creators are still quiet on most of the details, but the phone does come with an impressive pedigree: a joint project from security company Silent Circle and phone company Geeksphone, the team includes Phil Zimmerman, the creator of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the popular encryption system for _sub rosa _talks.


    Don’t get so confused, the Kambala is a mobile phone that transforms to a earphone as well. Pop the center piece and the earpiece clip pings out; clip this to your ear, and you got a phone-earphone! Multilayered Polymer which hosts all the electronic components is used in its construction. A continuous flexi-screen with plenty of sensors makeup the surface and it has the ability to transmit the image on the inside of the phone to the outside. It even does a chameleon act by blending in with your skin tone when you clip it to your ear.


    This new mobile phone is made out of rubbery "shape-memorizing" material that allows you to bend the soft-shell in any way that you like. 

    By twisting and bending it, you can hang it on a bag, belt, wrap it around your hand like an armband, and you'll just have to use your creativity and think of more ways in which you could wear the "Tag" apart from those suggested here. 

    Not only will The 'Tag' bend and twist as you want it too, but the user can also alternate the mode by changing the shape due to multiple pressure sensors. It is not only malleable for the fun of wearing it as an armband or hanging it from a bag, but when bent in different shapes, it will also perform different functions. 

    The intriguing concept phone from NEC design is marked as "not planned to be commercialized at this point" but I guess that we'll just have to wait and see if it will be released or not.


    Nokia 888 is the future generation from nokia which make our life to be more compact.Tamer Nakisci go on research about the mobile and he promise the nokia company to introduce this as soon possible by nokia developers.Nokia 888 phone can be fit into any part of our body.Its is a paper like mobile easy for travel and use. Nokia 888 Communicator release date and other details collected and updated soon…

  • Features
  • Liquid battery
  • Recognition of speech
  • Flexible touch screen
  • Touch sensitive body
  • The mobile is more flexible and can be bended into any shapes, we use the mobile as wrist watch also.


    There are two key elements to the Nagisa Phone designed by Mac Funamizu, first is the “dented” keypad, akin to a wavy seabed and the second is the display that literally “turns around the bend”. This time Mac seems to have mellowed in his designing sensibilities and not gone outlandishly futuristic. What’s more, he simply concentrates on beautifying the form; note the rounded back and the slight elevation when laid flat on a table. Apparently Nagisa means beach in Japanese, and this iteration is at its tranquil best.


    Motorola has come up with a new concept of Motorola Sparrow. A concept conceived to provide retail stores with a mobile point of sale device. The Motorola Sparrow is an all-in-one device that combines a scanner, RFID, point of sale (POS) system, communication and credit card reading capabilities. Equipped with touch sensitive areas, the front and back of the Motorola Sparrow makes it easy to navigate and use.


    A contemporary mobile phone must maintain suchfunctions, as: mobility, constant Internet access, access to the documents,games and to give the best possibilities and means of communication andcontact. A new generation mobile phone “Mobile script” gives all thesepossibilities!It has two touchscreen (small and large), which provide the best access to information andprovide a wide field of communications, such as: 

  • Video link 
  • Ability to view movies 
  • Using the browser 
  • Targeting areas with the help of internet services 
  • All of these functions is more convenient to use on a large screen, which islocated inside the phone in the collapsed state. 


    Designer Lu Yin has designed a mobile phone called “Relexer”. As its name suggest it also function as a medical gadget to review the health of the users. Integrating a thermometer that can be worn around the wrist like a bracelet, the cell phone measures the temperature and other drastic discrepancies in the body


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